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The Flameback Angelfish requires a minimum of a 55 gallon tank with lots of hiding places and live rock for grazing. On occasion, this fish may nip at SPS and some species of polyp corals in the reef aquarium. |
The Firefish Goby requires a 20-gallon or larger system with moderate lighting conditions and a moderate current passing over the live rock “reef.” Keep in mind that a stressed Firefish Goby will try to jump out of your aquarium. As such, house the Firefish Goby in aquarium systems with a lid. |
A single Lawnmower Blenny should be kept in an aquarium no smaller than 30 gallons in size. The fish’s small size makes them an excellent candidate for a nano-sized aquarium. Avoid adding more than one lawnmower blenny to an aquarium, as they’ll become quite aggressive toward one another. |
A Lyretail Anthias can reach up to 5 inches and requires an aquarium of at least 70 gallons. This is a rewarding fish to add for those who spend a lot of time viewing their aquarium. They can be a little shy when they first arrive, but that usually only lasts for a few days. If you decide you want to keep a harem of anthias rather than just 1, it is recommended that your tank be at least 125 gallons. |